dalai lama china

Dalai Lama clashes with Chinese government over future successor

‘China Wants To Contact Me’: Dalai Lama’s Big Statement, Says ‘We’re Not Seeking Independence’

China says ready to discuss Dalai Lama's personal future | World News | WION

Will China pick the next Dalai Lama? | China Tonight | ABC News

Why does China hate the 14th Dalai Lama?

Dalai Lama on Xi Jinping, Chinese minorities & why he prefers to stay in India

China Fumes As US Official Meets The Dalai Lama In India After Calling Himself 'Part Of China'

US discusses resumption of dialogue between China & Dalai Lama | WION News

US delegation- Dalai Lama meet: China urges Biden not to sign Tibet Bill | WION

“China, officially or unofficially, wants to contact me…” Dalai Lama’s big revelation

'China's Efforts To Destroy Buddhism Won't Succeed', Says Dalai Lama

China Tells Dalai Lama To Reincarnate Or Else

'China Has Contacted Me': Dalai Lama Says Tibet Part Of China, Does Not Want Independence

Dalai Lama Interview by Hakka TV 13-8 on China

Why is China so interested in who picks the next Dalai Lama? | ABC News

Is India afraid of China: Tibet and Dalai Lama

Richard Gere On China Wanting To Choose Next Dalai Lama: 'Laughable, Pathetic' | The NDTV Dialogues

All eyes on China as Dalai Lama visits Ladakh days before India's military talks with Beijing

Dalai Lama’s successor may come from India

US Embassy Spokesperson calls for direct talks between Dalai Lama & China

‘China trying to destroy Buddhism…’ Dalai Lama

China’s Plan to Reincarnate the Dalai Lama

Interview with the Dalai Lama - BBC News

Dalai Lama at UCSD angers Chinese students